Wax Play video

15:53 video

I knew I was going to scream and squirm while johnny poured hot wax on me.  To be honest, these are Japanese bondage candles and it still really hurts, even though it doesn't seriously burn you.  My butt was still sore and red the next day.  To keep me somewhat quiet Johnny wadded up a pair of my panties and secured them with a bandanna cleave gag.  I really hate using mouth packing and in particular a panty gag,  But I knew its would keep me slightly quiet and I would be focused on other things and would forget how gross this is.  Originally I wasn't going to be naked for these pics but I also figured once in a while it would be alright.  Every bit of this, every scream,  and mphhh is real.  I have to admit I lasted pretty long.  I could not figure out how people can be absolutely covered in wax.  Johnny explained to me, AFTERWORDS, that they heat a whole candle and poor at once.  Sort of like ripping the band-aide off at once.  Would have been good info before we tried this.  Johnny removed the wax in a neat surprise as well.  He used my flogger and cane.  At that point I think I was a little numb to the sting of either.

I was really debating a partial nudity shoot.  This will not be the norm here, but once in a while, its fine.  I will not do full nudity, that is for my husband.  Please let me know what you think email me at maladaptiveb@yahoo.com or Jackie@maladaptivebehavior.com.

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