Country Part I video

3:57 video

I was sitting there tied and gagged for the photo shoot and Johnny tries to pull out the video camera.  Despite searching desperately for it, he realized that he had left it at home, on the charger.  Talk about bad luck.  He had the choice of leaving me tied to a tree and gagged.  Or I would have to get untied, change back into my clothes, and walk with him back to the house.  Once we got the camera, we'd have to start from square one.  I think he considered leaving me there.  Thankfully we went back on got the camera.  When we got back, we were about to get started.  I was still wearing my regular clothes when a truck happened down the dirt road we were shooting by.  I had to talk Johnny into it, but I changed into my outfit again and started over.  Part of the thrill of shooting outside.....

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